Active Body is presented by Active Nutrition. The challenge provide a high-energy, community coaching group for long-term, successful results.

Register Today

The program includes weekly weigh-ins and health classes on a wide range of *topics from healthy eating habits, healthy snacking, hydration, protein and a variation of topics to keep it interesting and empowering.

*topics subject to change

Tips for getting in the best shape possible.

Participants benefit from personalised coaching, accountability structure and support from fellow challengers and your own coach.

Cash Prizes to top 3 challengers in different categories:

weight loss %

cm loss

muscle gain

How it Works:
- 6 weeks long
- Weekly nutrition classes
- Weekly weigh-ins
- Access to all "Active Nutrition windsor's" fitness events and activities.
- Personalised coaching
- Complimentary wellness evaluations

Register NOW as spots are limited

Email your health coach:
or CALL Lisen 0400 502 239

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live" Jim Rohn